Robby T. Tan
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
National University of Singapore
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Professional Activities:
[Feb 2024]: Two papers accepted in CVPR'24
[Dec 2023]: Six papers accepted in AAAI'24
08/2023 - 07/2024
[Nov 2023]: Invited to serve as Area Chair
[Aug 2023]: Two papers accepted in ICCV'23, one paper in MM'23, and one paper in ACL'23
[Aug 2023]: Invited to serve as Area Chair of
[Aug 2023]: ICCV'23: Session Chair on "Low-level Vision and Theory"
[Jul 2023]: EE4212: Revising the syllabus
[Jul 2023]: CEG5304 + EE6934: Revising the contents > Change projects to exam
[Jul 2023]: One PhD student funded by EDB/IPP - industrial programme
[Jul 2023]: Serve as Area Chair of
[Jun 2023]: One PhD student internship at Adobe
08/2022 - 07/2023
[Jun 2023]: Giving talk at CVPR'23 Workshop on
Vision for all Seasons: Adverse Weather and Lighting Conditions
[Jun 2023]: Giving talk at A*STAR:
[Jun 2023]: Invited Talk: HTX's TechXplore
[May 2023]: Part of MOE-T3's funded project on Digital Information Resilience
[Feb 2023]: Four papers accepted in CVPR'23
[Feb 2023]: One PhD student internship at Huawei
[Dec 2022]: A paper on intrinsic image accepted in AAAI'23
[Nov 2022]: Serving as Area Chair of
[Oct 2022]: Serving as Area Chair of
[Dec 2022]: Serving as area chair of MVA'23 [
[Dec 2022]: Invited Talk: Huawei's Merlion Forum Workshop on "Road to Intelligence: When AI Meets Multimedia".
[Oct 2022]: IMDA's invited talk: "Digital Media Trust: From the Perspectives of Low-Level Vision and Human Video Understanding", Oct 27, 2022.
[Sep 2022]: ICRL'23 Reviewer
[Sep 2022]: DSO Project's IRB is approved
[Aug 2022]: MOE TIF Grant: Reviewer
[Aug 2022]: IDS faculty affiliate [
[Aug 2022]: SAMI Area Director commenced
[Jul 2022]: A paper on nighttime enhancement accepted in
[Jul 2022]: Fetal project's IRB is approved
[Jul 2022]: Invited talk at T-Lab, July 18th
[Jul 2022]: ECE Top Performance Researcher: RSB Headcount
Reviewer: IJCV | ACCV'22 | AIM'22 | NeurIPS'22 | ICLR'23 | NTIRE'23
08/2021 - 07/2022
[Jun 2022]: A paper on video deraining is accepted in IEEE PAMI
[Jun 2022]: Invited talk at DSO
[Jun 2022]: DEC Chair in MCS
[Jun 2022]: SICH project's IRB has been approved
[Apr 2022]: A paper on 3D multi-person pose estimation is accepted in IEEE TPAMI.
[Apr 2022]: A paper on adherent raindrop removal from video is accepted in IEEE TIP.
[Dec 2021]: Organizing a CVPR'22 workshop on Vision for All Seasons: Adverse Weather and Lighting Conditions [
[Sep 2022]: Serving as area chair for CVPR'22
[Sep 2021]: DEC Chair in MCS
[Oct 2021]: Invited talk in FR-SG AI Workshop, Oct. 15th
[Oct 2021]: Invited talk on Night Images in CVPRW'21: [
[Oct 2021]: Organizing an ICCV'21 workshop on "Physics-based Vision Meets Deep Learning": [
[Oct 2021]: Invited talk on Advance Image Restoration (AIM'21) in ICCVW'21: [
[Oct 2021]: Soft-shadow removal paper presented in ICCV'21
IJCV guest editorial member for a special issue on “Physics-Based meets Deep Learning”
Reviewer: AAAI'22 | ICLR'22 | ICML'22 | NeurIPS'22 | IJCV | TPAMI | MOE's Proposal
YNC Search Committee: Chair (AY2021/2022)
ECE Search Committee: Member (AY2021/2022)
ECE TAC: Muhammet Furkan ILASLAN (Shou's student, Chair) | Shafa Balaram (Shou's student, Member) | Dapeng Hu (Wang's student, Member) | Wang Jiahao (Yu's student, Member)
Masters projects: Zhang Haoli | Zheng Xingjian | Shi Tongjun | Wang Jiawen | Wang Luwei | Liu Cen
FYP students: Chen Shenghao | Project82 (Chia Ren Sheng, Low Xin Yu, Wong Jia Xi, Zou Yanfeng)
Capstone students: Tang Jia | Kosuke Nakamura | Ivan Leo | Yusra Fathima
08/2020 - 07/2021
[Jul 2021]: Odometry paper accepted in IROS'21
[May 2021]: Invited talk on Human 3D Poses in SGInnovate: [
[May 2021]: Video deraining paper accepted in TPAMI'21.
Teaching: YSC2229: Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms (Sem2)
Teaching: YSC4216: Machine Learning (Sem1)
Teaching: EE2211: Introduction to Machine Learning (Sem2, Tutorials)
Reviewer: ACCV'20 | AAAI'21 | CVPR'21 | ICCV'21 | NuerIPS'21 | ISMAR'21 | UIST'21
Reviewer: CVIU | TIP | TPAMI | IJCV
Thesis Committee: 2 PhD students
MINDEF's FR-SG Workshop: Invited Talk (2020/20/12)
Papers: ACCV'20 (one) | 3DV'20 (one) | AAAI'21 (one) | CVPR'21 (three) | Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (one) | TPAMI (one) | IROS'21 (one)
YNC: DEC Chair (3x)
YNC: Capstone facilitator/moderator
YNC: DS Search Committee -- 6/2021
YNC: CS Search Committee -- 9/2020
ECE: SAMI Search Committee
Projects (PI): MOE-T2, DSO, Huawei
Projects (co-PI): N-CRiPT, NUH
PhD Supervision: Aashish Sharma | Yan Wending | Cheng Yu | Lu Liu | Jin Yenying | Xin Yang (Jeremy)
MSc Supervision: Zhang Haoli (MSc Project) | Li Yuan (RA)
FYP: Ng Yin Zhi
[26-4-2021]: Congratulations to Ng Yin Zhi for receiving FYP Merit Award'21
Collaborations: Wang Jiahao | Yan Wenhan
Invited talk in SGINNOVATE on "Human 3D Poses from Video": [
Invited talk in a workshop in CVPR21 "Vision for All Seasons: Bad Weather and Nighttime"
Co-organizing a workshop in CVPR'21: "Vision for All Seasons: Bad Weather and Nighttime":
Co-organizing a workshop in ICCV'2021: "Physics-based Vision Meets Deep Learning (PBDL)"
08/2019 - 07/2020
Our paper published in ''Radiology: Artificial Intelligence'' journal was selected as the editors' choice 2019:
Industrial Collaborations: Tencent | Huawei
Research Funded Projects: [YNC SUG | ACIP | N-CRiPT | MOE-T2] | Tencent | Huawei
HealthTech Webinar (May 2020):
Website - Recording
Guest editor of IJCV special issue on "Computer Vision for All Seasons: Adverse Weather and Lighting Conditions".
Co-organizing a workshop in CVPR'20: "Vision for All Seasons: Bad Weather and Nighttime":
Co-organizing a workshop in ICCV'19: "Physics-based Vision Meets Deep Learning (PBDL)": [
ICCV'19 Tutorial on "From Image Restoration to Enhancement and Beyond":
Reviewer: TPAMI | IJCV | AAAI'20 | CVPR'20 | ECCV'20 | NIPS'20
YNC: MCS faculty/Computer-Scientist search committee: 1 time
ECE: Faculty search committee: 2 times
PhD Examiner: [Sun Min -- NUS/Mechanobiology Institute]
PhD Supervision: Li Ruoteng | Aashish Sharma | Yan Wending | Cheng Yu | Lu Liu | Jin Yenying
Master Project Supervision: Chen Yiming | Deng Yue | Yao Jiaoyang | Zhou Xiyao
Visiting PhD Students: Yuan Liu | Xu Lu
Publication: MICCAI'19: 1 | ICCV'19: 2 | AAAI'20: 1 | CVPR'20: 3 | TPAMI: 1 | ECCV'20: 2
08/2018 - 07/2019
Industrial Collaboration: Tencent
Research Funded Projects: [YNC SUG | ACIP | N-CRiPT | T-Lab]
Co-organizing a workshop in CVPR'19: "Vision for All Seasons: Bad Weather and Nighttime": [
Tutorial Chair: MVA (Machine Vision Applications) 2019 [
Area Chair: Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT): [
Reviewer: CVPR'19 | ICCV'19 | TPAMI | IJCV | TIP | ICCV'19 - eHeritage 2019
YNC: MCS faculty/Data-Scientist search committee
YNC: Major Advisee 2019/2020: Sambhav Bhandari, Daniel Maung, Sunwoo Nam, Khwa Zhong Xuan.
PhD Examiner: [Pan Liang -- NUS/ME] [Liew Junhao -- NUS/ECE] [ Zhao Jian -- NUS/ECE] [Xu Bingjie-- NUS/SOC] [Chang Shuning -- NUS/ECE]
NUS Master Projects: [Yao Yuan | Chen Yizhao | Chen Yanchao | Fang Xiaoxian]
NUS FYP: [Dexter Ong]
YNC: 2018/2019 Capstone project supervision: [Taha Tehseen | Alexia Davidson | Cao Jinglu]
Publication: TPAMI: 1 | Radiology: AI: 1 | ArXiv: 3 | CVPR: 1
ACCV 2018 Area Chair [
ACCV 2018 Tutorial Organizer and Speaker: "Classic vs Deep Vision: What is beyong deep learning in computer vision? The single image artefacts removal case" [
Reviewer: [CVPR'2018 | TPAMI | IJCV | SIGGRAPH'18 | ICRA'18]
PhD Examiner: [Tong Shen -- Adelaide University] [ Xiaojie -- NUS]
Research Projects: [YNC SUG | ACIP | N-CRiPT |
Publications: [CVPR: 1 | ECCV: 1 | ACCV: 1 | TSCVT: 1 | ArXiv: 1]
YNC: Yale-NUS Data Science: Advisor | Datathon'18 Judge